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Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

5 Reasons to Keep Cats meow

Just the word "meow" that cats can say though supposedly a girl's cat Bandung can say the word "baseball". So, they will meow to communicate with you. There are many meanings in any "meow" coming out of the mouth of a small cat. Especially for cats is usually quiet, but suddenly a nag and a lot of meowing. And here are 5 reasons why a cat meowing continued:

The possibility of your cat sick, and the meowing is their way to tell if she needs your help. If you are normally quiet cat suddenly become much meow, try to check carefully the body of the cat. There may be injuries on his body.

Most cats meowing because it takes something from you. Perhaps it is a sign that he wants to eat, have removed from the cage, have allowed into the room, or the other.

The possibility of the cat wanted to tell you that there is something amiss
. There have been many stories about cats that meow to alert if there is imminent danger to the owner, such as a gas leak, a fire, or a foreign person or animal coming into your home area.

The possibility that your pet cat is the type that loves to meow. According to the study, some races do have cats meowing a lot more intensity than the other cat races. As a Siamese cat is known to meow.

Possibly because your cat wants you to pay attention. The cat was a pet. But actually they never feel that they are yours. They consider you as a "friend" them, not their employers. So, they continue to ask your attention for just stroking the fur or let it curl up in your lap.

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